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Complete list of works from 2014 to present.

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Underlined = AQMEL Researcher 
* = AQMEL Corresponding Author

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45Kaur K, Krall J, Ivey CE, Holmes HA, and Kelly KE (2024). "Impact of Chemical Speciation Network method changes on time series ion and carbon species concentrations." Aerosol Science and Technology, 1-15.

44Zhu Z, Do K, Ivey CE*, and Collins D (2024). “Assessing CMAQ Model Discrepancies in Vertical Ozone Profiles in a Heavily Burdened Air Basin using UAV Measurements.” Environmental Science: Atmospheres

43. Do K, Kashfi Yeganeh A, Gao Z, and Ivey CE* (2024).  "Performance of Machine Learning for Ozone Modeling in Southern California during the COVID-19 Shutdown." Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 4, 488-500


42. Ivey CE*, Pruitt J, and Garcia J (2024). “Comment on ‘State-of-the-Science Data and Methods Need to Guide Place-Based Efforts to Reduce Air Pollution Inequity.’” Environmental Health Perspectives, 132, 3, CID: 038001.

41. Ofodile J*, Alves MR, Liang Y, Franklin E, Lunderberg DM, Ivey CE, Singer BC, Nazaroff WW,  and Goldstein AH (2024). “Characterizing PM2.5 Emissions and Temporal Evolution of Organic Composition from Incense Burning in a California Residence.” Environmental Science & Technology. 

40. Gao Z, Do K, Li ZR, Jiang XY, Maji KJ, Ivey CE, and Russell AG (2024). "Predicting PM2.5 Levels and Exceedance Days using Machine Learning Methods." Atmospheric Environment, 323, 120396.

39. Quevedo D*, Gao Z, Do K, Bahreini R, Collins D, and Ivey CE (2024). "Multidecadal Analysis of Meteorological and Emissions Regimes for PM2.5 Across California.” ACS ES&T Air, 1, 1, 33-42.

38. Torres I, Do K, Delgado A, Mourad C, Yu H, and Ivey CE* (2023). "Indoor and Ambient Influences on PM2.5 Exposure and Well-being for a Rail Impacted Community and Implications for Personal Protections." EarthArXiv (Preprint). Under Revision.

37. Do K, Delic G, Rodríguez Borbón J, Quevedo D, Wong BM, and Ivey CE* (2023).  "Graphics Processing Unit Assisted Computation for a Gas-Phase Chemical Solver in a Regulatory Chemical Transport Model." EarthArXiv (Preprint).

36. Wang YZ, Apte JS, Hill JD, Ivey CE, Johnson D, Min E, Morello-Frosch R, Patterson R, Robinson AL, Tessum CW, Marshall JD (2023). "Air quality policy should quantify effects on disparities." Science, 381 (6055), 272-274.

35. Do K, Mahish M, Gao Z, Kashfi Yeganeh A, Blanchard CL, and Ivey CE* (2023). "Emerging investigator series: a machine learning approach to quantify the impact of meteorology on tropospheric ozone in the inland southern California." Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 3, 1159-1173. 

34. Gao Z, Ivey CE, Blanchard CL, Do K, Lee S-M, Russell AG (2023). "Emissions and meteorological impacts on PM2. 5 species concentrations in Southern California using generalized additive modeling." Science of the Total Environmental, 164464.

33. Gao Z, Ivey CE, Blanchard CL, Do K, Lee S-M, Russell AG (2023). "Emissions, meteorological and climate impacts on PM2.5 levels in Southern California using a generalized additive model: Historic trends and future estimates." Chemosphere, 325, 138385.

32. Hasan MH, Yu H, Ivey CE, Pillarisetti A, Yuan Z, Do K, and Li Y (2023). "Unexpected Performance Improvements of Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Sensors by Including Carbon Monoxide Sensor Signal." ACS Omega 

31. Wang YZ, Apte JS, Hill JD, Ivey CE, Patterson RF, Robinson AL, Tessum CW, and Marshall JD (2022). “Location-specific strategies can eliminate US racial-ethnic PM2.5 exposure inequality.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (44) e2205548119.

30. Ivey CE*, Amegah AK, Hodoli CG, Kelly KE, Lawal A, Pant P, Singh S, Subramanian R, Torres I, Westervelt D, and Yu H (2022). To Share Or Not To Share? Academic Incentives May Hamper Public Good. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 22, 15072–15081.

29. Gao Z, Ivey CE, Blanchard CL, Do K, Lee S-M, and Russell AG (2022). Separating emissions and meteorological impacts on peak ozone concentrations in Southern California using generalized additive modeling. Environmental Pollution, 119503.

28. Eastman E, Kelly AS, Ivey CE, and Yu HF (2022). On the potential of iPhone significant location data to characterize individual mobility for air pollution health studies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 16(5), 1-5.

27. Huang R, Li Z, Ivey CE, Zhai X, Shi GL, Mulholland JA, Devlin R, Russell AG (2022). Application of an Improved Gas-constrained Source Apportionment Method Using Data Fused Fields: a Case Study in North Carolina, USA. Atmospheric Environment, 276, 119031.

26. Laughner JL, Neu JL, Schimel D,…, Ivey CE,…, et al. (2021). Societal shifts due to COVID-19 reveal large-scale complexities and feedbacks between atmospheric chemistry and climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(46), e2109481118.

25. Sun X, Ivey CE, Baker K, Nenes A, Lareau N, and Holmes HA (2021). Confronting Uncertainties of Simulated Air Pollution Concentrations during Persistent Cold Air Pool Events in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(22), 15072-15081.

24. Sasser J, Leebaw B, Ivey CE, Brown B, Takeshita C, and Nguyen A (2021). Invited Commentary: Intersectional Perspectives on COVID-19 Exposure. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 31, 401-403.

23. Goldman G, Ivey CE, Garcia-Menendez F, Balachandran S (2021). Beyond the Lab: Early Career Researchers May Find Purpose through Policy, Advocacy, and Public Engagement. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 5, 2720–2721.

22. Do K, Yu H, Velasquez J, Grell-Brisk M, Smith H, and Ivey CE* (2021). A data-driven approach for characterizing community scale air pollution exposure disparities in inland Southern California. Journal of Aerosol Science, 152, 105704.


21. Ivey CE* (2020). Land use predicts pandemic disparities. Nature. 588(7837), 220.

20. Wang Y, Liu Z, Huang L, Lu G, Gong Y, Yaluk E, Li H, Yi X, Yang L, Feng J, Ivey CE, and  Li L (2020). Development and evaluation of a scheme system of joint prevention and control of PM2.5 pollution in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 122756.

19. Yu X, Ivey CE, Wong D, Gurram S, Sivaraman V, Shen HZ, Eluru N, Hasan S, Henneman LRF, Shi GL, Zhang HL, Yu HF, and Zheng JY (2020). Quantifying the Impact of Daily Mobility on Errors in Air Pollution Exposure Estimation Using Mobile Phone Location Data. Environment International, 141, Article 105772.

18. Hepworth KJ, Ivey CE, Canon C, and Holmes HA (2020). Embedding online, design-focused data visualization instruction in an upper division undergraduate atmospheric science course. Journal of Geoscience Education, 68 (2), 168-183.

17. Huang M, Ivey CE, Hu YT, Holmes HA, and Strickland MJ (2019). Associations of PM2.5 Source Concentrations with Pediatric Respiratory Disease Emergency Department Visits in the U.S. State of Georgia: A Case-crossover Study. Environment International, 133A, 105167.

16. Ivey CE*, Balachandran S, Colgan S, Hu Y, and Holmes HA (2019). Investigating fine particulate matter sources in Salt Lake City during persistent cold air pool events. Atmospheric Environment, 213, 568-578.


15. Yu X, Stuart AL, Liu Y, Ivey CE, Russell AG, Kan HD, Henneman LRF, Sarnat SE, Hasan S, Sadmani A, Yang XC, and Yu HF (2019). On the accuracy and potential of Google Maps location history data to characterize individual mobility for air pollution health studies. Environmental Pollution. 252A, 924-930. 

14. Henneman LRF, Choirat C, Ivey CE, Cummiskey K, and Zigler CM (2019). Characterizing population exposure to coal emissions sources in the United States using the HyADS model. Atmospheric Environment, 203, 271-280.

13. Wang HT, Ding J, Xu J, Wen J, Han JH, Wang KL, Shi GL, Feng YC, Ivey CE, Wang YH, Nenes, A, Zhao QY, and Russell AG (2019). Aerosols in an arid environment: The role of aerosol water content, particulate acidity, precursors, and relative humidity on secondary inorganic aerosols. Science of the Total Environment, 646, 564-572.

12. Wen J, Shi GL, Tian YZ, Chen G, Liu JY, Huang-Fu YQ, Ivey CE, and Feng YC (2018). Source contributions to water-soluble organic carbon and water-insoluble organic carbon in PM2. 5 during Spring Festival, heating and non-heating seasons. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 164, 172-180.

11.​ Bates JT, Weber RJ, Verma V,  Fang T, Ivey CE, Liu C, Sarnat SE, Chang HH, Mulholland JA, and Russell AG (2018). Source Impact Modeling of Spatiotemporal Trends in PM2.5 Oxidative Potential across the Eastern United States. Atmospheric Environment, 193, 158-167.

10. Shi GL, Liu JY, Wang HT, Tian YZ, Wen J, Shi X, Feng YC, Ivey CE, and Russell AG (2018). Source apportionment for fine particulate matter in a Chinese city using an improved gas-constrained method and comparison with multiple receptor models. Environmental Pollution, 233, 1058-1067.


9. Huang R, Zhai X, Ivey CE, Friberg MD, Hu X, Liu Y, Di Q, Schwartz J, Mulholland JA, and Russell AG (2018). Air Pollutant Exposure Field Modeling Using Air Quality Model-Data Fusion Methods, and Comparison with Satellite AOD-derived Fields: Application over North Carolina, USA. Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health, 11, 11–22. 


8. Ivey CE*, Shi GL, Holmes HA, Hu YT, and Russell AG. Development of PM2.5 source profiles using a hybrid chemical transport-receptor modeling approach (2017). Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 23, 13788–13796.

7. Sun X, Holmes HA, Osibanjo OO, Sun Y, and Ivey CE (2017). Evaluation of Surface Fluxes in the WRF Model: Case Study for Farmland in Rolling Terrain. Atmosphere, 8 (10), 197.

6. Shi GL, Peng X, Huangfu Y, Wang W, Xu J, Tian YZ, Feng YC, Ivey CE, and Russell AG (2017). Quantification of source impact to PM using three-dimensional weighted factor model analysis on multi-site data​. Atmospheric Environment, 160, 89-96.

5. Ivey CE*, Holmes HA, Hu YT, Mulholland JA, and Russell AG (2016).  A method for quantifying bias in modeled concentrations and source impacts for secondary particulate matter. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 10 (5), 14.

**Voted Best Paper of 2016** 

4. Peng X, Shi GL, Gao J, Liu JY, HuangFu YQ, Ma T, Wang HT, Zhang YC, Ivey CE, and Feng YC (2016). Characteristics and sensitivity analysis of multiple time-resolved emission patterns of PM2.5 sources with real time data using Multilinear Engine 2.  Atmospheric Environment, 139, 113-121.


3. Redman JD, Holmes HA, Balachandran S, Maier ML, Zhai X, Ivey CE, Digby K, Mulholland JA, and Russell AG (2016). Development and Evaluation of a Daily Temporal Interpolation Model for Fine Particulate Matter Species Concentrations and Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Environment, 140, 529-538.


2. Ivey CE*, Holmes HA, Hu YT, Mulholland JA, and Russell AG (2015). Development of PM2.5 source impact spatial fields using a hybrid source apportionment air quality model. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 2153-2165. 


1. Hu YT, Balachandran S, Pachon J, Baek J, Ivey CE, Holmes HA, Odman MT, Mulholland JA, and Russell AG (2014). Fine Particulate Matter Source Apportionment Using a Hybrid Chemical Transport and Receptor Model Approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 5415-5431.

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6. Bielefeldt AR, Montoya LD, Ferro A, Ivey CE, Hobbs SR, Trotz MA, Davidson CI, Masten SJ, Ehrman, SH and Wu CY. "Work in Progress: ADVANCE Strategic Partnership for Alignment of Community Engagement in STEM (SPACES)." In 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2024.

5. Esterling KM and Ivey CE“Clearing the Air: Using Collaboration Technology to Build Local Engagement Panels on Air Quality” in Technology vs. Government: The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object, Studies in Media and Communications., L. Levine, Ed. (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024), pp. 181–196.

4. Tanvir S, Ravichandran D, Ivey CE, Barth M, and Boriboonsomsin K (2023). "Traffic, Air Quality, and Environmental Justice in the South Coast Air Basin During California’s COVID-19 Shutdown." In: Loukaitou-Sideris A, Bayen AM, Circella G, and Jayakrishnan R (eds) Pandemic in the Metropolis. Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic, vol 20, Springer, Cham.

3. Ivey CE. In "Chapter 2: Outdoor Sources of Indoor Particulate Matter" of National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and National Academy of Engineering. 2022. Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Approaches: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

2. Ivey CE*, Gao Z, Do K, Kashfi Yeganeh A, Russell AG, Blanchard CL, and Lee S-M (2020). Impacts of the 2020 COVID-19 Shutdown Measures on Ozone Production in the Los Angeles Basin. ChemRxiv. Preprint.

1. Ivey CE. “No Shortcuts for Dirty Diesel Engines - Union of Concerned Scientists.” Union of Concerned Scientists. May 2018.

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